Thursday 27 October 2011

Facing Reality

Well i am now finished work and i have a very  insecure feeling about not making money.I know this should be the least of my worries but it is hard not to think about. I am looking forward to sleeping @ home and relaxing during the day.
I had my PET Scan today and all went well.I think the hardest part was i was completly tied down and i had an itch on my cheek i couldnt I have another test @ the Cancer Clinic on Monday the 31st of October @ 9am.This test is called a tracer.I will have an IV inject dye into my arm that will go to my neck to the infected Lymph Nodes.The dye will show the doctor the path he needs to take during surgery to remove the Lymph Nodes.
I will get the results from todays scan on the 7th of Nov. My surgery date has been moved from the 15th of Nov to the 8th of Nov.
I am slowly letting this all sink in and starting to face reality.I have been blocking it out of my mind but everyday it is getting harder for me, i am trying to accept that this will be my life for a while.
Thank you Mom & Donna for being with me today,Thank you BFM thrift Store for your wonderful gift.Thank you Tiffany & Mani for the resturant gift card.Thank you Amy for setting up a meal plan.
Thank you Steven for calling me almost every day to check up on me I love you so much!!!Thank you Lorna for taking me out and spoiling me rotten.
I need to tell you about my best friend Alexis Giles.Alexis & i have been best friends for 16yrs and the past month we have been closer than ever.Alexis is hurting so much for me and it breaks my heart to see her sad and worried.We have shed many tears together over the past month and i dont know what i would do without her in my life.


  1. Been praying especially for you today Julie. So much to take in and to process. Please know that you are in my prayers daily. with love, Alice

  2. Good Morning Julie,
    It's nice to see that you are continuing to keep this blog up to date. I know that it's not an easy thing to do. It is such an answer to prayer that people around you are stepping up to the plate and helping you guys out in these uncertain times. I know that I passed a whole bunch of papers yesterday but I just found another application for a tax benefit that you can apply for. Can you please send me an email so that I have your email address and can pass this info on to you.
